Table of Contents

Around School
News & Notes
Do You Know?
My Story
Scholarship Dinner
Roman Connections
Class Notes
Alumni Association
Looking Back

Randall Dunn
Head of School
Words from the Head
Dear Latin
This year has been full of exciting and challenging firsts: the first experience with remote learning, the first cancellation of upper school Project Week, the first drive-through, contact-free graduation ceremony. Each one has been an opportunity for thinking about things we have done for years in very different ways.
In that vein, I am pleased to present the first digital edition of Latin Magazine. The circumstances of the last few months created an opportunity for us to pause from our traditional print publication and focus on delivering our content in a new way. And with so much of the student experience happening through digital channels, we felt it was a perfect parallel.
This format allows us to share much more content than we usually do. I hope you seize the opportunity to dive a bit deeper into life at Latin (and apart from Latin) over these past few months, including all the different ways we engaged in remote learning, how our community came together, and how we responded to the events around us.
You will also see some news that dates back to January and February of this year before the reality of COVID-19 was upon us and we were all very socially near. I look forward to the day when we can meet again in person.
Until then, we remain #RomansTogether.

Around School

Around School
Keep on top of all the latest happenings in and out of the classroom at Latin.

Around School
Do You Know?
Get to know a member of Latin’s faculty and staff.

Around School
My Story
Latin alumni, students, faculty and staff share a story with the community.
Roman Connections

Roman Connections
Class Notes
Check in with fellow Latin alumni.

Roman Connections
Browse Latin alumni’s entrepreneurial endeavors.

Roman Connections
See how the Latin community came together.
Interested in past issues of the Latin Magazine?
Take a look at the Archives.