— Around School —
News & NotesFun Facts
Remote Learning by the Numbers
(since school closed on March 12, 2020)
Average number of weekly Google Meets
Total number of Zoom meetings
Total number of Zoom webinars
Total number of #RomansTogether t-shirts mailed out to all students, faculty and staff
Click the gallery below to enlarge photos
Total number of lockers and cubbies that Latin’s facilities staff cleaned out while students participated in remote learning.
cubbies in the lower school
lockers in the middle and upper schools
gym and sports lockers
Number of Romans (students, faculty and staff) who gave their best rendition of the Latin Fight Song, which culminated in a fun video organized by middle and upper school chorus teacher, Gabriel Di Gennaro, and alumni video editors, Alexis Lopez '15 and Jonathan Lopez '13
Number of meals provided to our facilities staff from Latin’s Parent Association (including breakfast sandwiches, donuts and orange juice from Do-Rite Donuts and lunch from Smoque BBQ)
Number of gift cards sent to faculty, staff and administration as a thank you from Latin’s Parent Association
LS Curriculum
Engineering Amigos
Fourth grade students paired up with their SK “amigos” and put their minds together to engage in a series of engineering and design challenges throughout the year. The Engineering Amigos program began in 2016, and it continues to grow and change each year.
The big idea for the challenges is to develop habits of mind around engineering and design for all students. Some of the engineering habits of mind include:
- Developing processes in order to solve problems
- Envisioning multiple solutions
- Applying science and math knowledge to problem-solving
- Recognizing that mistakes are part of the process
- Working cooperatively
- Communicating effectively
- Seeing themselves as engineers (problem-solvers who use the engineering/design process)
The first challenge this year was the Paper Chain challenge. The amigos were tasked with creating the longest paper chain with a set amount of supplies. Each pair of students talked and planned first and then began their designs. Almost all teams changed their designs partway through the challenge to make improvements. Our fourth graders demonstrated leadership and kindness.
The amigos walked downstairs to assemblies each week, holding hands and chatting. Before winter break, the amigos partnered up for a community service project. They upcycled old t-shirts to make dog toys that were delivered to The Anti Cruelty Society.
The program continues to grow and change each year. No matter what the challenge, the amigos enjoy working together and solving problems.
View Gallery Below
MS Curriculum
Science Gets Comical
Seventh grade students approached learning about the respiratory system in a comic(al) way in science class this year. To illustrate the journey oxygen takes through the environment into animals or plants, students created clever comic strips to show the cycle. This project was the culmination of a unit that included the study of the major respiratory organs, as well as how cells use oxygen to turn glucose into energy.
View Student’s Comic Below
US Curriculum
Sugar, Spice & Everything They Impact
Students in the upper school’s Spice: Food, Trade & Culture class took a field trip to the world’s largest Starbucks to study the globalization of companies and to see in action the impact commodities have on society.
Watch Video Below
Latin Fund
Thank You!
To our more than 1,700 parents, alumni, grandparents, PALS, faculty and staff, and friends who supported Latin this year. From the Latin Fund and Scholarship Dinner to the many endowment gifts and special projects, your support is felt in all corners of our school.
Your generosity enabled us to provide financial aid for Latin families, professional development for our faculty, compensation for our staff, innovative curriculum opportunities for our students and so much more.
Thank you for standing with us as Romans Together and keeping our community strong.